Cap and Gown Mini Session
It's graduation season and we have to celebrate this amazing achievement with an awesome Cap and Gown mini session. Times are awkward and you aren't getting to mark this moment in your regular form, so why be stuck with a "regular" cap and gown picture? And our gift to you, is a 50% discount due to this Covid-19 madness.
Use coupon code 2020GRAD to receive your 50% discount!
What to Expect
The session will be about 30 minutes long at the location of your choice. We will have a quick chat around expectations to be sure I capture the shots you want, and also discuss any props you have brought with you.
What should you bring?
You should bring a great attitude, you cap & gown, and any props you would like included in the session.
There will be additional props centered around "Covid-19" to make it funny and really embrace the moment, such as, Clorox wipes, gloves, masks (bring your own if you like, package of toilet paper, etc.. You don't have to use these props, but they will be provided if you want to capture that moment!

Lovelee Photography Cap & Gown Mini Session - Georgia State University - Downtown Atlanta GA

Use coupon code 2020GRAD to receive your 50% discount!
Ensure that your unique personality is captured in beautiful, professional photos. If you would like to learn more about our individual portraits or schedule a consultation, please contact us today!
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