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New Momma Anxiety...It's a Thing

Hey Lovelee Mommas! How's life? Staying busy? Doing self-care? Journaling? Worrying a little bit? Just a little bit? About things beyond your control, that will possibly NEVER HAPPEN?

Look, parental anxiety is a very NORMAL thing, you are taking on the responsibility of another life. The "what ifs" creep in and before you know you have created every possible, or impossible, catastrophe that could occur with your new human on your watch! But isn't it awesome when you have strategies to combat these inconvenient thoughts and emotions? One of my favorite options is God and His Word. Check out how God's Word helped one of my recent clients combat her Momma Anxiety!

While recently completing a newborn shoot I was doing my normal chit chat with a brand new mom. I love having these conversations because it not only allows me to reminisce over how overwhelming I was with my first born, but it gives me an opportunity to allow new moms to vent while empowering them they can do it their way!

During the session this new mom expressed the anxiety she had over her baby, which we all know is normal with that first one...possibly even the 2nd, by the 3rd, we have this level of expectation that we need to get out of the way and let these babies do their thing. Lol.

Yet, as she vented we began to speak about affirmations and in speaking those aloud we are able to subconsciously and consciously acknowledge what is true and happening right now. It just so happened that I had been perusing my "Pible" a.k.a. Pinterest, for quotes and unrealistic organizational projects I had no time to do, but some other really great mom did, she even had pictures and a video to go along with this project, with a baby seat and swing in the background...#showfoff.

I digress, "Pible" can really open up my inner "Comparison Trap." Well, I came across Bible verses to speak over newborns. In sharing this with my client I instantly saw a sense of gratitude and relief. She could now combat her anxiety by speaking the truth over her baby daily and it required no extra effort from her outside of reading what God had already prepared.

This is why I love what I do and the incredible moments I get to share with other moms! It was repetitive interactions like this that made the Lovelee Momma blog a necessary step in following through on my purpose of motivating others through my creative gifts, while attaching the message of God's love for us.

Although I reference my new moms or moms of littles in this blog, believe me, I still circle these scriptures in regards to my adult children. I mean, do we ever stop worrying? It's like with each age group the "what ifs" just graduate to something much more grand and more expensive. Lol. Yet, in the end, it's all so worth it.

So for all my Lovelee Mommas I have created an image of 9 Bible Verses to pray over your children. You can download, print out and place around your home, maybe even hang a special copy near where your children sleep or even in your prayer closet. Trust in God's Word and don't allow anxiety and the devil to steal your joy!!!

If you have feedback or you have a story to tell, because I love a good story, please email me at I want to celebrate you and help out other Lovelee Mommas in this community who may currently be in the midst of a similar challenge in life that they have no real plan on how to tackle. Want daily encouragement?Follow us on Instagram to get a daily #MotherhoodAffirmation, Bible verse and quote about motherhood!

My name is Sharonda Lee, I am a Christ-Centered Momma of 3, Recovering Perfectionist, Hobby Lobby Enthusiasts and Loganville Georgia Newborn Photographer! The Lovelee Momma Blog is about cultivating a community of mommas that are devoted to maintaining a Grateful Attitude, a Joyful Heart and a Blessed Mentality, all fueled by their spiritual relationship with God and authentic relationships attained through community. My hope is that you leave here with useful momma tips, encouragement or inspiration!

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